25.3. Environment Inquiry [sec_25-1-3]

25.3.1. Function ROOM
25.3.2. Function EXT:GC
25.3.3. Machine
25.3.5. Function EXT:ARGV

25.3.1. Function ROOM

The function ROOM returns five values:

  1. space occupied by Lisp objects (in bytes)
  2. space available for allocating Lisp objects until the next garbage-collection is triggered (in bytes)
  3. space permanently allocated (in bytes)
  4. the number of times garbage-collection was done in this CLISP session
  5. the cumulative space freed by all the garbage-collections in this CLISP session (in bytes)
  6. the total time (in INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND) spent collecting garbage

25.3.2. Function EXT:GC

This function starts a global garbage-collection and returns the same values as ROOM.

When the optional parameter is non-NIL also invalidates just-in-time compiled objects.

25.3.3. Machine

Platform Dependent: UNIX platform only.
The functions SHORT-SITE-NAME, LONG-SITE-NAME should be defined in a site-specific config.lisp file. The default implementations try to read the value of the environment variable ORGANIZATION, and, failing that, call uname.
Platform Dependent: Win32 platform only.
The functions SHORT-SITE-NAME, LONG-SITE-NAME should be defined in a site-specific config.lisp file. The default implementations try to read the registry.


LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION returns the numeric version (like 3.14), and the release date (like "1999-07-21"). When running on the same machine on which CLISP was built, it appends the binary build and memory image dump date in universal time (like 3141592654). When running on a different machine, it appends the MACHINE-INSTANCE of the machine on which it was built.

25.3.5. Function EXT:ARGV

This function will return a fresh SIMPLE-VECTOR of STRING command line arguments passed to the runtime, including those already processed by CLISP. Use EXT:*ARGS* instead of this function to get the arguments for your program.

These notes document CLISP version 2.49.93+Last modified: 2018-02-19