19.3. External notation

External notation of pathnames (cf. PARSE-NAMESTRING and NAMESTRING), of course without spaces, [,],{,}:

Platform Dependent: UNIX platform only.
[ "/" ]"/" denotes absolute pathnames
{ name "/" }each name is a subdirectory
[ name ["." type] ]filename with type (extension)

Name and type may be STRINGs of any LENGTH (consisting of printing CHARACTERs, except "/").

Platform Dependent: Win32 platform only.
[ [drivespec] : ]a letter "*"|a|...|z|A|...|Z
{ name [. type] \ }each name is a subdirectory, "\" may be replaced by "/"
[ name [. type] ]filename with type (extension)

Name and type may be STRINGs of any LENGTH (consisting of printing CHARACTERs, except "/", "\", ":").

These notes document CLISP version 2.49.93+Last modified: 2018-02-19