Part II. Common Portable Extensions

Table of Contents

29. Meta-Object Protocol
29.1. Introduction
29.1.1. Notation
29.1.2. Package
29.2. Overview
29.2.1. Metaobjects
29.2.2. Inheritance Structure of Metaobject Classes
29.2.3. Processing of the User Interface Macros
29.2.4. Metaobject Initialization Protocol
29.3. Classes
29.3.1. Macro DEFCLASS
29.3.2. Inheritance Structure of class metaobject Classes
29.3.3. Introspection: Readers for class metaobjects
29.3.4. Class Finalization Protocol
29.3.5. Class Initialization
29.3.6. Customization
29.3.7. Updating Dependencies
29.4. Slot Definitions
29.4.1. Inheritance Structure of slot definition metaobject Classes
29.4.2. Introspection: Readers for slot definition metaobjects
29.4.3. Initialization of slot definition metaobjects
29.5. Generic Functions
29.5.1. Inheritance Structure of generic function metaobject Classes
29.5.2. Introspection: Readers for generic function metaobjects
29.5.3. Initialization of Generic Functions
29.5.4. Customization
29.6. Methods
29.6.1. Inheritance Structure of method metaobject Classes
29.6.2. Introspection: Readers for method metaobjects
29.6.3. Initialization of Methods
29.6.4. Customization
29.7. Accessor Methods
29.7.1. Introspection
29.7.2. Customization
29.8. Specializers
29.8.1. Inheritance Structure of Specializer Metaobject Classes
29.8.2. Introspection
29.8.3. Initialization
29.8.4. Updating Dependencies
29.9. Method Combinations
29.9.1. Inheritance Structure of method combination metaobject Classes
29.9.2. Customization
29.10. Slot Access
29.10.1. Instance Structure Protocol
29.10.2. Funcallable Instances
29.10.3. Customization
29.11. Dependent Maintenance
29.11.1. Protocol
29.12. Deviations from AMOP
29.12.1. Warning CLOS:CLOS-WARNING
30. Gray streams
30.1. Overview
30.2. Defined classes
30.3. General generic functions
30.4. Generic functions for character input
30.5. Generic functions for character output
30.6. Generic functions for binary input
30.7. Generic functions for binary output

These notes document CLISP version 2.49.93+Last modified: 2018-02-19